NON-DUAL EMBODIMENT RETREAT in the magical healing MAYAN Jungle
Amidst the Caribbean Sea's
turquoise waters.
Eating Consciously and Healthy to
nurture our bodies
ENHANCING our Spiritual Gifts to attune our
instrument to higher cosmic frequencies
Level 2 KA Training is OPEN to all that are certified in Kundalini Activation "life force" modality.
The energetic activation of ONLY transmission with music.
Also known as KA, KAP, LFA, Shaktipat, KAE and others.
The certified training encompasses BOTH:
1. NON-DUAL Embodiment energy to be able to transmit to others.
2. Spiritual Gifts Enhancement practices to become a more refine instrument when facilitating either KA or Non-Dual Embodiment.
Learn how to transmit this NON-DUAL frequency of
An experience of a non-dual state where our mind, body and soul unite, experiencing Self Realization.
Dive into a powerful INITIATION of DEEPER Transformative HEALING in embodying the Cosmic NON-DUAL energy.
Diving into the senses where there is
no division
no separation
anywhere in anything
just unbounded being
unbounded wholeness.
A NEXT LEVEL INITIATION that starts and ends with your personal HEALING in mind first.
Becoming a GREATER
Channel of
Level 1
1. Level 1
Must be certified in KA or similar modality with a strong foundation and have over 22 in-person transmissions.
2. Sadhana:
Sādhana is the daily practice or discipline undertaken by a person to attain spiritual growth, self-realization, and liberation.
Prior to our in-person training it is essential to CULTIVATE a practice of silence.
NDE initiates will be given access to the webportal to follow a daily practice that includes mindful movement, breathing, meditation and contemplation.
3. In-person Training:
Embodiment phase. We go DEEP during the 5 days of intensive Non-Dual Embodiment training.
The focus is for the initiate to have an EXPERIENTIAL experience that is profound. This will prepare you to channel and EMBODY the non-dual energy for yourself and others.
Therefore less than 10% of the in-person training time is used on theory. Time to SURRENDER from the logical, rational mind to upgrade our KA & Tantric channels as we cleanse and purify our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
It's all about living the EXPERIENCE viscerally to rewire your whole being expanding your consciousness to altered states on non-duality.
4. On-line Training:
Integration of the SUBTLE, sublime non-dual energy.
We meet LIVE every other week for 3 hours with theory teachings and NDE practices. As you start facilitating LIVE with your loved ones and communities, we CELEBRATE every stepping stone and give guidance to the new challenges that arise.
WELCOME to the Ongoing support of the KA family worldwide 🌎.
Anytime and for a LIFE TIME you may access the support of other members and of myself, Maria.
Invitations to KA & NDE exchanges are organized continuously. Practice, practice practice to MASTERY.
As you HEAL,
simultaneously your unique
to be shared with the world - Maria Palomino
5 days IN-PERSON
Non-dual immersion of self inquiry
Interactive partner exercises
KA & Non-dual transmissions
Non-dual meditations
Embodiment practices
Silence cultivation from various traditions
Creative making and dissolvement to practice detachment
Integration to your unique Signature SOUL Style
Knowledge to Wisdom
Kundalini vs. Non-Dual
Traditions of cultivating silence
Kriya Yoga "Paramahansa Yogananda"
Non-dual Shaiva Tantra
Advaita Vedanta "non-dual" hinduism philosophy
Non-Dual INVOCATIONS of the self as Divine
The teachings support you in the journey to awareness of your own true nature.
Joyously raising you far beyond what your mind ever thought possible for you, into a whole new expansive world of wonder.
Continuous Training
Creating Non-dual Playlists
Live Q&A mentorship support
Practice facilitating On-line with confidence
Advance ascencion symptoms
Guest speakers:
Lama monk working directly with the Dalai Lama
Non-dual immersive veteran
Non-Dual integration community support
Web Portal & More
Easy access to:
Video recordings of lessons
Maria's Non-dual playlists
NDE reading material
Featured on Website as NDE Facilitator "level 2"
Telegram group support
Intro to KA Family Worldwide
Tibetan Buddhists Monk of the
Dalai Lama order
Lama Tashi
Ana, San Diego
The KA immersive training was an EXTRAORDINARY experience.
Maria encouraged each person's DIVINITY to come through and show up to do the work. She was incredibly knowledgeable and articulate.
Sometimes these classes spend too much time lecturing, rather than in practicing, but thank you Maria for structuring the class to PRACTICE most of the time we were together so we could walk away confident.
I can't imagine a class that offers better value!
I look forward to coming back for more programs and classes in the future."
Rick, Orange
"I highly recommend Maria and her KA Facilitator training. She brought powerful, loving energy.
She has a beautiful SHAMANIC power that she brings to the space.At one point, Maria touched my back, and it felt like a bolt of LIGHTNING hit my spine as my electrical system was activated, my spine bent, and my body danced with electricity.
Maria deserves a 10-star rating.
Thank you for doing the work to bring transformation, healing, and growth to the world. I look forward to playing in the Kundalini energy in the future. "
Elliott, Beverly Hills
Thank you for leading such a beautiful KA training last weekend. KA is new to me and I'm just beginning to discover its TRANSFORMATIVE Powers.
I had such an emotional experience going deep within my subconscious. I saw childhood patterns that weigh me down today. Areas that I want to change in my life because they no longer serve me.
You provided a safe space where I could RELEASE GUILT. After the session, I felt so much love and light.
The NON-DUALITY exercise was really grounding, as if you were able to SLOW DOWN TIME and just be.
It was a great Segway into the following KA transmission. The music was amazing. The CACAO was so special. Basically everything was very well organized. Oh, and you were magical!
Thank you so much! ”
Join Maria's KA Family Worldwide
by becoming a Level 2 KA Facilitator
"I've grown in Quantum Leaps during the training. On the first week intensive alone, many synchronicities aligned for me to launch my spiritual business. Maria's training is also a MANIFESTING course"
Otis Neil
"It was an INITIATION into my divinity and totality. Bringing me to a blissful SURRENDER I've never felt before. It cleansed so much so quickly. I didn't want to leave that state of loving consciousness."
Sarah Pelin
"Maria helped me GROUND like no one has since I'm a high channeler. Her presence alone with her Shamanic codes brings tremendous confidence for all to step into the next level as a KA Facilitators."
Claire Reed
#1 REQUIREMENT is a TRUE inner calling from deep within that's unexplainable
All is an EVOLUTION and Quantum Leaps do happen
Those with a Spiritual practice of SILENCE tend to access deeper states of non-duality.
For others their buddhist monk selves from past lives awakens to easily access the Non-dual expanded consciousness.
The effects of the NDE Training will forever change how life is perceived, creating a new reality that is more in alignment with the true you.
New Pathways of consciousness will be open and it's up to you to maintain.
Once experienced, it can't be undone creating a SHIFT in Perspective resulting in a NEW REALITY.
NDE Meetings
3 Months
April 3 - 7
Bi-weekly for 3 hours
April 3: 4PM Opening ceremony
April 4 & 5: Intensive training
April 6: Training in action
April 7: 10 -12 PM Closing ceremony
Most IMPORTANT REQUIREMENT is to attend the INTENSIVE In-person. Then it's practice, practice as we continue our learnings.
Every New Moon
Every Full Moon
Date Changes | M - F
Duration | 3 Hours
7AM Los Angeles (PST) usual starting time
1 Hr Channeled ceremony
2 Hr Kundalini Activation
3 Hr Q &A ; Continuous learning
OPTION: You may attend only the last hour & skip the first two hours of the MOON Ceremony that is highly recommended. Deep transformative healing are always reported.
Easy Access
WEB Portal
NDE Manual Download
Music Links Downloads
Logo Downloads
Video Downloads
Perks Downloads
CLASS RECORDINGS uploaded same day
Energy Exchange
Early Bird BONUSES
#1: Early BIRD (First FIVE)
$222 OFF Registration
#2: Pay in FULL by Dec. 31st
FREE KA Membership for ONE Year
#3: Pay in FULL by Dec. 31st
$222 OFF any upcoming RETREAT
Claim bonus #1 with $999 deposit
FIVE day In-person training & 12 weeks online
All meals except dinner on April 6th
Anything not mentioned above is not covered such as:
International flight, transportation to Tulum, any extra activities, personal shopping, single accomodation.
Fly into Cancun (CUN) Int'l airport
Transportation time is 2.5 hours from Cancun to Tulum
Recommended to book an AM flight if arriving April 3rd.
Accommodation starts on April 3rd, checking out on the 7th.
Second floor, pool front, with an intimate private balcony among nature.
Save your spot
- 999 US dollars
- 3,555 US dollars
- 3,777 US dollars
Payment Plans
1st Payment DEPOSIT: $999 by Dec. 15th
2nd Payment: $1,000 due by January 15th
3rd Payment: Remaining due by March 1st.
Payment Methods
This is for you if...
You've been facilitating the raw life force energy and are being called to slow the physical and travel profoundly into the dream to better understand the weaving that connects us all.
There’s a deep attraction to Non-Duality and can visualize yourself holding this sublime energy for yourself and others.
You would like to become the exact HEALING frequency your clients needs to another extent.
You’re already KA or similar facilitator and Non-dual is the next level modality to include in your offerings
Something inside of you awoke when you read the announcement of this specific NDE training.
Feel Ready to jump to that NEXT PHASE of EVOLUTION that's SOUL driven with constant synchronicities
It's time to shift paradigms by changing your inner world first!
Together we will RAISE OUR FREQUENCY, CLEARING Away Deep Subconscious beliefs and Cellular Memory that we're still holding onto so we may courageously INITIATE into our SOUL path as a NON-DUAL facilitator.
Begin Facilitating
Gain the TRUST to push PLAY on a new LIFE as a Leader.
Transform Lives
Helping loving souls release traumas from their physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Step Into Your Power
Claim your INNER HEALING abilities.
Meet Soul Family
UNBREAKABLE energetic bonds from lifetimes.
Personally, I come from the corporate world, straight out of college for 18+ years.
I have always been SPIRITUAL and suddenly a switch was flipped that was unexpected.
A FORCE BIGGER THAN ME had me divorced from my corporate life to FULLY IMMERSE into my SOUL VOCATION as a SPIRITUAL Leader.
But before getting to where I AM NOW, I was having the SAME questions and feelings you are having. I couldn’t sleep at night. Especially on eclipses because my body would not stop shaking, contracting and lifting.
When I attended ceremonies in Bali, Mexico, Peru, Egypt and many of the other spiritual places I’ve lived, I would see myself holding sacred space but didn’t know where to start.
I doubted myself, questioned what others would think, who am I to be in that position, narrowing it down to the belief I'm not WORTH IT.
WELL....I'm here to tell you that
If the desire is in YOU it’s because it ALREADY LIVES WITHIN YOU
WHAT YOU SEE IN ME & other healers that awakens your soul, EXISTS IN YOU.
WHY NDE Certification with Maria
When my Kundalini Started WAKING up, I didn't have the support, education or tools that are now easier to find. Despite my spiritual background and being a kundalini yoga teacher, I didn't know what was happening with my body and specially throat vocalizations.
This lead me to journey deeper and further around the globe ultimately finding the best spiritual guide which is my INNER GURU.
My training program is designed to Awaken your INNER Guru who is a healer, a shaman, a mystic, a magician, a witch and all the wisdom that lives WITHIN that has attracted you to this page.
Many of us are REMEMBERING. We've done this before.
When my Kundalini Awoke more aggressively, it wasn't pretty and it lasted over a year. I understand what you're going through. Know that you are being REBORN to your more authentic self.
This is one of the main reasons why I teach. So a bigger support network can be available worldwide as more and more souls are rapidly AWAKENING to their DIVINITY.
STEP into your DIVINE Healing Power
Be the PORTAL for others to experience their totality & nothingness
AWAKEN NEW dormant spiritual gifts
Experience new astronomical FREQUENCY heights
Hold Space from a place of FULL TRUST
NOURISH your INNER TEMPLE to Tune in to the Portal of your HEART
AWAKEN your CREATIVE Life Force in Mayan sacred land
CREATE SACRED Space from a SOUL Driven Purpose
SOAR to New Unimaginable Heights
QUIET the chatter
SURRENDER to the Intelligence of the Cosmos.
REMEMBER your unique MAGICAL healing codes
“Give up the notion that I am so and so".
All that is required to realize the SELF is to be STILL.
What can be easier than that?
- Sri Ramana Maharshi
“The most surprising in my self discovery through the training was finding that I was setting myself FREE from energies that are not mine, past traumas and old belief systems. Everything from sexual abuse to feelings that I’m not worthy and not enough.””
Emma Lang: KA Energy Healer
"Through out the period of healing & releasing,
I experience profound GROWTH and TRANSFORMATION.
I shed layers, old patterns and beliefs that allowed me to evolve to a more authentic self.”
Marlen Lopez: KA Energy Healer
- 999 US dollars
- 3,555 US dollars
- 3,777 US dollars